The Clever Duckling is a Chinese animated short, originally released in 1960, and directed by Yu Zhenguang. This film was the first experiment in folded paper animation at Shanghai Animation Film Studio, and as far as I know, only three other films (A Cabbage, 1962, Singing and Dancing on the Lake, 1964, and The Little Duck, 1980) were ever made in this style. Developing the new method of animating folded paper figures was one of the experiments spurred by the Great Leap Forward campaign in China, during which all aspects of society were expected to make new innovations. Other innovative animation styles developed during this period include paper cut animation and watercolor painting animation, which became much more popular than this style.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
The Clever Duckling is a Chinese animated short, originally released in 1960, and directed by Yu Zhenguang. This film was the first experiment in folded paper animation at Shanghai Animation Film Studio, and as far as I know, only three other films (A Cabbage, 1962, Singing and Dancing on the Lake, 1964, and The Little Duck, 1980) were ever made in this style. Developing the new method of animating folded paper figures was one of the experiments spurred by the Great Leap Forward campaign in China, during which all aspects of society were expected to make new innovations. Other innovative animation styles developed during this period include paper cut animation and watercolor painting animation, which became much more popular than this style.
Where is Mama(小蝌蚪找妈妈), is a short Chinese animated film produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio in 1960 under the artistic guidance of Te Wei. The narrated film describes the adventures and misadventures of a group of tadpoles in search of their mother. It is one of Te Wei's first attempts to break away from Western style animation and aim for a painterly style influenced by Qi Baishi and more in keeping with native Chinese aesthetic sensibilities. Because of its simple story line and repetitive script it is ideal for children who are beginning their study of the Chinese language.
Friday, 9 September 2011
Praxinoscope by Reynaud
Pauvre Pierrot (aka Poor Pete) is an 1892 French short animated film directed by Émile Reynaud. It consists of 500 individually painted images and lasts about 15 minutes. [1]
It is one of the first animated films ever made, and alongside Le Clown et ses chiens and Un bon bock was broadcast in October 1892 when Emile Reynaud opened his Théâtre Optique at the Musée Grévin. It was the first film to demonstrate the Theatre Optique system developed by Reynaud in 1888, and is also believed to be the first usage of film perforations. The combined performance of all three films was known as Pantomimes Lumineuses.
These were the first animated pictures publicly broadcast by means of picture bands. Reynaud gave the whole presentation himself manipulating the images.
Monday, 5 September 2011
The Origins of Popeye
Popeye first appeared in the comic Thimble Theatre in 1929 and was created by Elizie Crisler Segar; the popularity of the character meant that he'd eventually get his own series of theatrical cartoon shorts, which in turn led to a live action film starring Robin Williams in the 1980.
Throughout the years, Popeye has been accompanied by his eternal sweetheart Olive Oyl, his father Poopdeck Pappy and his adopted "boy-kid" Swee'Pea. Learn all about he classic cartoon character by watching the video below.
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